Sunday, December 20, 2009


Vision for the world and decision making in public policy should be above the self-interest of stake holders and enlightened interest of the globe need to prevail.

This requires a enough courage to start with; but can alter the results radically for all of us.

Whenever we take the decision of credit and monetary policies; authorities often are stuck to salvage private and public establishments. Why bother ? Why not think afresh, strategies from the scratch.

Whenever we think about fixing sugar prices , why should our ministers bother about sugar industrialists as if they will die without bail out package. ( I have shares of sugar company but I don't want quick bucks at the cost of common man)

When we think about Environment, Copenhagen, Group of nations, WTO, IMF, World Bank; why do our experts behave as if the charters of powerful institutions are bible, Bhagwad Geeta or Kauran?

Why do our expert authorities are stuck and not releasing big reforms to happen just to secure their petty positions in bureaucracy and polity.

Our corporate and Governments and Inter Governmental Organizations should take a risk and destroy their own established strategies, institutions, procedures, systems if they are old, obsolete, useless, counter-productive and adopt all that is need of the hour for majority of global citizens.

Let power equations change, let world order change, let governments roll...they will anyway, sooner or later.

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