Monday, July 25, 2011


Yes. If  Mumbai, Pune, Benglore , Delhi - all Cities and
all rural areas are made self  sufficient with respect to  their  own city
or village,  Food price will come down. Nobody will remain hungry.

Like USA and Russia (and many more countries) which have
extensive city farming

Imagine the  terraces of all buildings in Mumbai are having farming
done by agricultural workers. (In Mumbai Port Trust, very successfully
farming is done. There are many competent  Activists who create Free guidance
workshops  in Pune, Mumbai, Banglore)

Advantages :
1> Self sufficient cities and villages
2> Employment to many - agricultural labor
3> Unnecessary and corrupt Transportation and intermediaries are removed.
4> Total Food Kitty of the Country is increased.
5> Cities are bestowed with Greenery, Nature which are  anti dot to pollution.
6> Organic farming can be  promoted. more cows can be used.
7> Different crops like grains , pulses, vegetables, fruits , flowers (in the same order of urgency which is the basis for food security) can be grown.
8> This would add tremendously to total farm produce and already booming agricultural GDP of the country.
9> New power equations.
10> Pollution free Cities by creating green cover.
11> There are 10 Crore domestic labor and other Crores of agricultural labor who will get better job and lifestyles - so BIG BLUE COLLAR EMPLOYMENT

Warm Regards
Mr. Bankim Shah

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